EDTS6M3: Serger Lab 3 Saturday - Tampa

Serger Lab 3
Have a serger that does both Overlock and Chain/Cover Stitch than this class is for you!
Lab is a 6 month commitment and each month you will have a kit fee for that project.
When you join Serger Lab you will learn techniques and gain incredible knowledge about your serger.
Save the dates, a different project every month!
All Serger Brands are welcome.
January Project
Click here for supply list.

February Project

March Project

April Project

May Project

June Project

Have a serger that does both Overlock and Chain/Cover Stitch than this class is for you!
Lab is a 6 month commitment and each month you will have a kit fee for that project.
When you join Serger Lab you will learn techniques and gain incredible knowledge about your serger.
Save the dates, a different project every month!
All Serger Brands are welcome.
January Project
Click here for supply list.

February Project

March Project

April Project

May Project

June Project

Skill Details:
Beginner thru Advance
All serger brands are welcome, in good working order.
You should have good working knowledge of your machine.
Eight Thread Machine, capable of doing an overlock, chain/cover stitch.
Instructor Name:
Carol Stricker
EDTS6M3: Serger Lab 3 Saturday - Tampa
$ 160.00
Price to join the 6 month Lab. Then each month you will have a KIT FEE for the project.
Price to join the 6 month Lab. Then each month you will have a KIT FEE for the project.